Home How To Guides What Is The Ideal Blog Post Length (Word Count)?

What Is The Ideal Blog Post Length (Word Count)?

by Malik Qaiser

Have you ever wondered what the ideal blog post length is?

You might have heard that it’s 1,000 words long. Or maybe even 2,500 words long.


How do search engines read these posts?

Does your audience care about the word count at all?

What are they looking for in terms of information and content?

These are all valid questions to ask when deciding on a page length for your next blog post.

This article will take a look at each one from how Google reads them to what readers want. So you can make an informed decision about your next blog post!

The Ideal Blog Post Length

The ideal blog post length is actually not a set number.

It all depends on the topic you are writing about.

Who your ideal readers are?

What they want to read!

The ideal blog post length for a topic where people are looking for quick answers would be shorter than the ideal blog post length for something that requires more research.

It can be tempting to think that ideal blog post length is all-important, but it’s not.

There are two things that matter more: quality and the amount of content in your posts!

You don’t need an article longer than 500 words if the writing itself isn’t good enough; you’ll only end up with a bad reputation for spamming people with empty promises instead.

There’s one thing I want to clear up about blog post length. It only matters if the content is excellent. Blog post length isn’t a stand-alone ranking factor.

Blog post length is only significant when you combine it with high-quality writing.

How Long Should a Blog Post Be For SEO?

Google will read your blog post for relevant keywords and references. It’s looking to provide the ideal search results with high-quality content that matches what people are searching for in their lives!

Frequency Of Keywords

How often you use a certain keyword or phrase can impact how Google views your ideal blog post length. The more times that word appears in the article, the higher up the results it will be listed!

For example: if someone was looking for “ideal blog post length” and only found an article with this phrase once. That article might not rank as high as an article with frequent mentions of ideal blog post length.

This is the same for multiple key phrases too!

For example: if you’re writing about “ideal blogging word count” and reference ideal blog post length a few times throughout your piece, Google will know to list it higher up on ideal blogging word count! But beware of keyword stuffing forcefully.

What Readers Want

This of course is the most important factor in deciding the ideal blog post length. What will keep your audience reading?

Do they care about how many words are on a page at all?

Maybe not, but high-quality content that directly relates to what you’re writing about will always be more ideal than a page of fluff.

There is some great ideal blog post-length resources out there to help you decide what your ideal word count should be! We recommend checking out Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator if you can’t decide on your ideal blogging word count yet. If you’re still struggling, the general rule is 1500-25000 words per ideal blog post length.

Now that you what the reader wants. It’s time to know what Google says about blog post length.

What Does Google Say About Blog Post Length?

Google has done multiple studies regarding ideal lengths for content and how long their users are willing to read on average before they stop reading.

I know there are a lot of people who will disagree with this ideal length because they think that the shorter, the better.

However, if you want to rank in Google and get your content discovered by users through their search engine results page (SERP), it’s ideal for posts to be around 2000-3000 words long.

I know not everyone will agree with me, but this is what Google has researched and discovered as their ideal blog post content length.

It’s long enough that it requires a fairly significant amount of time for the user to read through your content; however, it isn’t too long that they will quickly lose interest.

Good content information comes in many shapes and forms; sourcing, rich media, and sensible structure/formatting all aid in making it more compelling and easier to digest.

On any subject, Google wants substance, evidence, and facts from authoritative bodies. It turns out that longer content usually includes all of these things.

Google also emphasizes the ideal length is somewhere in the middle, which allows for enough engagement with your audience that you can properly convey what it is that you’re trying to say.

In fact, the ideal length is better for your post to be a bit longer than it is too short. If Google has done its research and comes up with ideal blog post content lengths, it’s best to follow what they say.

Do your own studies as well so that you can see how long certain posts are performing for your website before making any conclusions about the ideal length yourself. See if your posts start to get more engagement from users on Google’s SERP.

What Does Stats Say About Blog Post Length?

The common consensus among many marketers seems to be around 1500-2500 words long for optimal performance when it comes to blog posts.

A study done by the blog software company “WordPress” shows that posts between 1000 and 2000 words have been shared more among social media users than shorter or longer blog posts.

However, according to the study from SerpIQ, this number was a bit higher. According to their findings, 2,450 is the optimum word count.

Hub spot also has research showing that most popular content online can range from 2100-2400 words, but they also highlight that blog posts on their own website (hubspot.com) tend to be more focused around a certain topic or idea rather than general blog post length like the others above.

The ideal blog word count, according to Linko’s study, had dropped a little bit, and the typical word length of a first-page (SERP) result was 1,890 words.

The average blog post for companies in the top 100 Alexa ranking seems to have an average word count of 2218. And there are many stats saying how important it is to use long-form content when writing blog posts due to its benefits with SEO, social media shares, etc.

At this time, it’s quite difficult to tell if a study is looking at the highest-quality content because no credible marketer has run such a study. Looking at article length and how it might affect the quality of the content in terms of practicality.

It’s certainly true that shorter content is simpler and quicker to consume. I’m not going to argue against that. However, what I do know is that blog posts with 2000 words and more rank very well in Google.

If we look at blog post length by itself, it’s difficult to discern which blog posts are high-quality or not because there might be other factors involved like the number of backlinks pointing to a certain website for example (which could also affect search engine rankings).

So even though shorter content pieces work great as long as they’re only used with high-quality content and fulfill user search queries. Longer blog posts still tend to perform better. And this comes from statistics provided by major marketers and websites about their own blog post performances over time.

What Is Important in Blog Post Length (Quality Vs Quantity)?

Users like blogs that make their life easier by providing quick and easy-to-understand information.

The blog’s quality also impacts blog post length: the higher the blog post quality, the longer your blog posts should be – and vice versa.

Focus mainly on quality, not quantity when writing blog content because having an intimidating number of blog posts is overwhelming for readers. Who simply want to get straight information about a specific topic instead of reading multiple different topics in one sitting.

The blog should be easy to browse within the first few seconds of landing on it. Because often people simply scan through blog posts quickly instead of reading each one thoroughly. If they are not interested in the blog post or cannot easily find what they were looking for, then it is likely that they will leave your blog.

The blog post should focus on one topic to fully explain it. This will help users easily understand what you are trying to say which makes your blog more interesting and easier for them to read through all of the blog posts.

Here’s what I think about long blog content.

First and foremost, it delivers a level of detail that isn’t possible in a shorter article. As a result, long-form gives the impression of higher quality.

Second, it’s ideal for scanning.

Furthermore, Google has the ability to identify low-value, nonessential material on the web. That implies longer articles may prevent your site from ranking higher in search if they don’t say anything meaningful.

Write With Your Reader in Mind

The blog post should be for your readers. Write with the reader in mind, not yourself or another blogger. Try to get inside their heads and figure out what they will want to read about.

Who are they?

What do you think would interest them the most?

Your blog post length also needs to be considered when writing for readers and not just SEO purposes. The attention span of people is getting shorter each day. So blog articles need to have a reasonable amount of information without being too lengthy. A good benchmark is around 1500-2500 words which can include images and infographics.

It’s also important to use your blog post as a way of communicating with those who follow you. Not just for writing about content that might interest search engines and people at the same time depending on what keywords they’ve searched for online. Your blog should be used as another social media platform. Where readers will want to come back and engage with you rather than it being an article bank filled beyond capacity.


In the summary! I would say

It’s important to balance the blog post content with enough information that will benefit your audience but not so long that people lose interest.

It’s also important to consider the audience when deciding on the length of your blog post. Because more experienced users will likely want something longer. While new ones may only need short articles looking simply for quick and easy answers. Instead of researching further into their topic of choice.

It’s not advisable to aim for 2,000-2500 words in a blog post since that appears to be the “optimal length” for ranking well on organic search.

You’re missing the point if you’re concerned about hitting an ideal SEO blog post length.

Don’t let the “ideal” word count be your only deciding factor when writing a blog article. Instead, focus on providing quality information that will benefit your audience and then split it into separate parts so people don’t lose interest in what they’re learning about from each section of the text.

I hope this will clear up any confusion about the ideal blog post length. If you have any blog-length questions. Please let us know in the comment below!

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