Home Digi SkillsBlogging 6 Key Tips How To Plan Your Content For Blogging

6 Key Tips How To Plan Your Content For Blogging

by Malik Qaiser

Planning your content for blogging is essential for ensuring a steady stream of high-quality posts that engage your audience and grow your online presence.

Just as a physical store needs to be well-organized, well-stocked, and visually appealing to attract customers. A blog needs to be well-designed, regularly updated, and engaging to attract readers. But

Do you often find yourself scrambling to come up with ideas and meet deadlines?

Did your blog experience the growth you had hoped for?

Did you earn the amount of money you desired?

Are you overwhelmed by the challenge of consistently producing high-quality content for your blog?

You’re not alone! In fact, many bloggers struggle with planning and managing their content effectively.

Blog posts are like products you are selling. If you are in the serious business of blogging. Then a blog requires planning and direction to achieve its goals. In order for readers to see new content on a consistent basis.

If you don’t have a plan in place for blogging content. It can be difficult to keep going without feeling like you’re spinning your wheels.

For many bloggers, content planning is often overlooked. Instead, they come up with content ideas spontaneously and create blog posts in a disorganized manner.

While some posts may be successful, others might not be as effective. This approach lacks a clear purpose for each blog post, aside from simply producing more content.

I put together 6 tips on how to plan blog content. So that you can take help and create better content faster!

By following these tips, you’ll not only save time and effort but also elevate the quality of your blog.

Find The Purpose of Blog

Before you deep dive into your content planning. it’s crucial to establish the goals and objectives of your blog. The goals & objectives will serve as a compass, guiding your content strategy and helping you make informed decisions.

Consider questions like:

  • What is the primary purpose of my blog?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What problems or challenges do you want to help your readers overcome?
  • What are new trends in your niche?

Once you have answered these types of questions. You can set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives for your blog.

For example,

your goals could be to build your brand, generate leads, or drive sales.

Your objectives could be to publish a certain number of blog posts per week, increase your email subscriber list, or grow your social media following.

Fulfil Your Blogging Objectives

For instance, if you plan to launch a product on Amazon. You will develop a strategy that supports this launch. This includes product research, its relevant keywords search volume, product sourcing, shipping and launch strategy. The material that demonstrates your expertise in the relevant area, builds anticipation for the product, offers giveaways, and promotes sales of the product.

Similarly, if your objective is to increase affiliate revenue, you need to create content that directs sales via your affiliate links.

if your objective is to raise your advertising income, you should concentrate on SEO. This involves thorough keyword research, crafting SEO-friendly content, and refreshing old blog posts.

By setting clear goals and objectives, you’ll have a roadmap for creating content that aligns with your overall strategy and achieves your desired outcomes.

Conduct Keyword and Topic Research

To create content that resonates with your audience and ranks well on search engines. You need to understand what your readers are searching for. Here is my strategy you can use to conduct keyword and topic research.

Start with a broad topic: Identify the broad topic or theme that you want to create content about. For example, if you run a food blog, your broad topic could be “healthy eating or Food recipes.”

Use keyword research tools: Use keyword research tools like Ahref, and SEMrush to find popular search terms related to your broad topic.

Bonus Tip! Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Look for long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that people search for.

Ask yourself a question!

when you search on Google do you write a single word or phrase? I believe you said a phrase. Certainly, because they are more specific to your query.

They usually have a lower search volume, but they’re also less competitive. Use long-tail keywords in your content to attract targeted traffic.

Check out Social Media & industry forums: Browse industry forums like Reddit, Quora, or YouTube to see what questions people are asking about your broad topic. You can use social listening tools like Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to track relevant conversations and trends. This can help you identify popular topics and pain points that you can address in your content.

Analyze competitor blogs: Check out other blogs in your niche to see what topics are generating engagement and shares. Use tools like BuzzSumo or Social Animal to find the most popular posts and see what keywords and topics they’re targeting.

Use the insights you’ve gathered to create a content plan that addresses the needs and interests of your audience. Focus on creating high-quality content that answers their questions, solves their problems, and provides value.

Bonus Tip! When searching on Google look for the LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords at the bottom of the search page. These are the term search engine deeply understand as a relevant terms of the webpage.

By conducting keyword and topic research, you can create content that resonates with your audience and ranks well on search engines.

With this, a content calendar helps you establish a consistent rhythm by assigning publishing dates to each post, ensuring you always have fresh content on the horizon.

Use Notion As You Content Planner

When it comes to creating a consistent and engaging online presence, a well-planned content calendar is your secret weapon. The notion is an all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. It’s a flexible and versatile platform that can be customized to suit your needs. With the right hacks and techniques, you can maximize your productivity and effectively plan your content.

By planning your blog posts weeks or even months in advance. you’ll have a bird’s-eye view of your content landscape, enabling you to create meaningful connections between topics, avoid repetition, and capitalize on trending themes or seasonal events.

How often have you considered creating a blog post for a major seasonal event (Christmas, Eid, Black Friday, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Holi, Dewali) but realized it was TOO LATE to capitalize on the seasonal interest?

If you procrastinate on crafting seasonal content, the clock will strike midnight on the festivities before your creation ever reaches its zenith of engagement!

Consistency is the heartbeat of a successful blog.

When you post regularly, your audience learns to anticipate and rely on your content.

Leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

With this, you can easily delegate tasks, track progress, and ensure that everyone on your team is working towards the same goal.

Determine The Number Of Posts To Write In a Year

The initial step is to establish how many posts you need to create in a year. break it down to months or even weeks.

1 blog per week= 52 blogs per year

4 blogs per week= 208 blogs per year

Remember when writing! Quality > Quantity

You should also consider factors like vacations and other events that might interfere with your posting schedule. Some bloggers, like myself, prefer to schedule posts ahead of time to be published while away or on holiday, while others opt for a complete break.

The next step involves examining the balance of your blog categories.

Ensuring a roughly equal number of blog posts in each category can be beneficial for SEO.

Review each category and tally the current number of posts as well as the number of posts scheduled on your content calendar.

To achieve balance among the categories, you may determine that you need to create 5 additional ‘How to guides’ articles, 7 more ‘Content marketing’ articles, and 10 extra ‘reviews’ articles.

Tips for Notion Productivity Hacks and Strategies for Planning Content

Now you have figured out how much content you need to create and you are using Notion as your content calendar. Below are some hacks you can utilize in notion for your content calendar productivity.

Leverage templates for consistency: Templates are a great way to maintain a consistent structure for your content. Organize your content ideas into themes or categories. This will help you identify patterns and create a balanced mix of content that appeals to various reader interests.

Organize content using pages and sub-pages: Pages and sub-pages are useful for organizing your content into a hierarchical structure. Create a main page for a project or topic and then divide it into sub-pages for related subtopics. This will make your content more manageable and easier to navigate.

Task List: A task list is a powerful tool for organizing and managing your content. It can be used for various purposes, such as tracking tasks, content ideas, editorial calendars, or managing assets. Utilize Notion’s built-in database features like filters, sorting, and views to help you manage and visualize your content more effectively. Rank your content ideas based on relevance, timeliness, and potential impact. Then, assign each post a publishing date in your content calendar, ensuring you have a healthy balance of evergreen and time-sensitive content.

Collaborate with your team: Notion supports real-time collaboration, making it an excellent platform for teams. Invite team members to your workspace and assign them tasks or content pieces. Use the built-in commenting feature to discuss content or leave feedback.

Utilize advanced formatting options: Use advanced formatting options like multi-level lists, tables, and callout blocks to make your content more engaging and easier to read. Notion also supports embedding multimedia like images, videos, and audio files, which can help you create more dynamic content.

While a Notion provides structure and organization, don’t be afraid to adjust your plan as needed. Keep an eye on current events and industry trends, and be willing to pivot your content strategy to capitalize on new opportunities.

By incorporating a structured content schedule into your blogging strategy, you’ll not only produce consistent and engaging content but also cultivate a more efficient and collaborative environment for your team.

Embrace the power of planning, and watch as your blog’s performance soars to new heights.

Mix It Up

Consistency might be the key to building a successful blog, but variety is the secret ingredient that keeps your audience coming back for more.

It’s time to mix it up when it comes to your content planning strategy. By incorporating a diverse range of content types and formats. you’ll not only keep your readers engaged, but you’ll also establish yourself as a versatile and knowledgeable thought leader in your niche.

Let’s explore how to diversify your blog’s content with formats like how-to guides, case studies, and interviews.

How-to Guides

How-to guides are a staple in the blogging world. They provide actionable, step-by-step solutions to problems that your readers are facing. Crafting a well-researched and in-depth how-to guide positions you as an authority in your niche. Break down complex tasks into digestible steps. Use visuals to clarify your points, and don’t forget to add your own unique insights and experiences to make your how-to guide stand out.

Case Studies

Sharing case studies provides real-life examples that your audience can learn from and relate to. Whether you’re analyzing your own success stories or those of others in your industry. Case studies can serve as powerful social proof and an excellent way to demonstrate the practical application of concepts and strategies.

Be sure to include data, visuals, and actionable takeaways to make your case studies compelling and informative.


Introducing different perspectives and insights can greatly enrich your blog’s content. Conducting interviews with industry leaders, influencers, or even your own customers can bring a fresh angle to your blog. Prepare thoughtful questions that dig deep into the interviewee’s experiences and knowledge, and encourage them to share their stories, advice, and unique viewpoints.

By incorporating how-to guides, case studies, and interviews into your content planning strategy, you’ll keep your blog fresh, dynamic, and ultimately, more successful.

So go ahead and mix it up – your audience will thank you for it!

Repurpose and Update Existing Content

Don’t let your older blog posts collect dust! Breath new life into them by updating and repurposing them for your current audience. This will save you time and effort while ensuring that your blog remains a valuable resource for your readers.

Here are some ways to update and repurpose your existing content:

  • Make sure your blog posts contain the most recent and relevant data available. This will ensure your content remains current and valuable to your audience.
  • Replace outdated or low-quality images with newer, high-quality visuals. This will improve the overall appearance of your content and make it more engaging.
  • Update your blog posts with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and proper heading tags to improve search engine optimization. This will increase visibility and attract more readers.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments, and add any relevant information to your existing content. This will ensure that your blog remains a reliable source of information for your audience.
  • If you have blog posts that are no longer relevant, consider rewriting them to cover a new topic or angle. This will keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • Combine related blog posts into a roundup or create a blog series to provide a comprehensive resource for your audience. This will encourage readers to explore more of your content and keep them engaged.

By updating and repurposing your existing content, you’ll not only save time and effort but also ensure your blog remains a valuable resource for your audience.

Remember to periodically review your content to keep it fresh and relevant.

Never Compromise on Content Quality

Now that you understand

how to research a topic in your niche to generate a blog idea?

How to plan your content for a year?

Let’s talk about the most important part I deliberately kept at the end “the quality of your publishing content”.

You are publishing content for your readers to achieve your blog goals. it’s essential to focus on creating and publishing high-quality content that is both informative and engaging.

  • Keep these points as a checklist when creating and publishing content.
  • Always Start your blog with compelling headlines that grab the attention of your readers and encourage them to click on your post. Use numbers, questions, or strong adjectives to create curiosity and urgency.
  • Understand your target audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points to create content that resonates with them. Researching your audience will help you produce relevant and valuable content.
  • Write on topics that are relevant to your niche, trending, or evergreen. Keep track of industry news and conduct keyword research to identify popular search queries related to your niche.
  • Structure your content with headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easy to read and understand. Use simple words and avoid complex jargon.
  • Enhance your content with relevant images, infographics, or videos to break up the text and make it more engaging.
  • Before publishing, thoroughly edit and proofread your content to eliminate errors and improve clarity.

Track Your Progress and Analyze Results

By tracking metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and social shares. you’ll gain valuable insights into what’s working and what needs improvement. Use this data to refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions about future blog posts. Here are some hacks you can use to track your progress and analyze results.

Set up Google Analytics: This will allow you to monitor your blog’s traffic and user behaviour in real time.

Define your key performance indicators (KPIs): Determine which metrics are most important for your blog’s success. Common KPIs include page views, unique visitors, average time on page, bounce rate, and conversion rate. Establishing your KPIs will help you understand what matters most to your blog’s performance.

Analyze user behaviour: Observe how users interact with your blog content, including which pages they visit, how long they stay, and the actions they take while on your site. This information can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize the user experience.

Monitor SEO performance: Track your blog’s search engine rankings for relevant keywords and analyze your organic search traffic. Use SEO tools, such as Ahref or SEMrush, to monitor your keyword rankings and identify areas for improvement in your SEO strategy.

By consistently tracking your progress and analyzing your blog’s performance. You can make data-driven decisions that will improve your content strategy, increase user engagement, and ultimately, drive success for your blog.


Planning your blog content doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a more organized and efficient content creation process.

With clear goals, solid research, an editorial calendar, and a focus on continuous improvement, you’ll not only save time but also elevate the quality of your blog. So go ahead, take control of your content planning, and unlock the true potential of your blog.

Share with me your process for planning your blog content or your plans for the upcoming year. I would be interested in hearing about it. Please let me know in the comments section.

Please share it with your friends. Also, bookmark this page for future reference!

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